
Monday, May 13, 2013

Who Taught You To Knit Or Crochet?

So who taught you how to knit or crochet? 

Mother's Day has come and gone, (BTW, Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!) and it got me thinking how thankful I am for my mom.  Among all the very cool and wonderful things my mom has taught me, how to knit was one of them.  Knitting and designing knitwear is a huge part of my life that I love.  It relaxes me, stresses me out and challenges me in fantastic ways.  I love it!  Would I have learned to knit without my mom teaching me?  I'm not sure.  Maybe.  But I'm glad momma did! :)  Thanks Mom!

I've got a poll going over on my facebook page collecting data for a future post here with a contest attached on the blog.  If you all would be so kind, I'd love for you to add your vote.

Oh, I got the knitting for Melisandre's Flames finished!  Sneak peek:


  1. I voted - my mum taught me to crochet...

    1. That's on my bucket list... learning how to crochet and write patterns for it! Mom tried to teach me when she taught me to knit, but I took to knitting. It seemed easier to make knots in string with two sticks instead of one. :P

  2. My aunt taught me to crochet, and I took classes at the local yarn store to learn to knit.

  3. Hmmm. SapphireBlue, you've got me thinking! I might see if my LYS offers crochet lessons... But my Tressa will call me a dork. She learned from my mum and from youtube videos. She is actually very good at it. Not reading patterns yet, but I bet that will come soon for her. I can hear her now, "Mummy, why pay someone to teach you when you can pay me?" Oh the mind of the ipod touch crazed 10yr!
